
Standard Catalog

The Enterprise Service Cloud expose different services to the customer. Those services are organized in the ESC standard catalog.

Catalog Services

Here you can find the list of available catalog services:

Service nameDescription
Compute ServicesThis service exposes blueprints with the latest releases of operating system like RHEL, SLES or Windows
Database ServicesThis service exposes MS SQL and Managed Oracle
Managed ServicesThis service offers managed versions of MS SQL, RHEL and Windows. For more information see the 'Managed Services' section under 'User Guide'
Network ServicesHow to manage your networks can be found here (Create, Update, Delete Network,...)
Storage ServicesThis service exposes the File Service Premium catalog item. More informations can be found here
Tenant ServicesThis service exposes catalog items used by the Tenant Manager role to manage business groups, custom groups and custom properties
Tufin ServicesOnly for Tenants with specific configuration (approach your Swisscom contact for further information). Please don't assign this service if your tenant doesn't support the required Tufin integration

The ESC standard catalog cannot be managed by the customer. The catalog items exposed cannot be modified.

Custom Catalog

The customer can organize his personal catalog. For example he can create a new service catalog (see Create New Service Catalog) and assign new custom content to it, like new OS images or virtual appliances imported from S3.

Also the re-assignment of one or more catalog items is possible. A user having the "Tenant Manager" role can access the catalog item "Manage Custom Catalog Items" under "Tenant Services" and move catalog items.

In the form the user can select:

  • Source Service: A list of custom catalog services is provided. Select the one containing the catalog item you want to move.
  • Catalog Items: Choose the catalog item to move
  • Move to a new service: If the catalog item has to be moved to a new service catalog, select 'Yes'.
  • Target service: Select the destination for the selected catalog item.

Click on "Submit" to confirm.

Custom Content

'Custom Content' is a special catalog service where custom catalog items are grouped. By introducing the ESC standard catalog this service catalog was used to group all catalog items imported by the customer and that were assigned to a standard service catalog. This service catalog can be used or replaced by the customer.

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