Use Log Exposure

Log Event Types

Three types of logs are currently forwarded to the customer log stream (topic):

  • SECURITY: authentication for both successful or failed logins, and authentication processes.
  • AUDIT: actions performed in the service (e.g. create VM, stop service, day-2 operations).
  • SERVICE: events related to a specific service. For instance, firewall logs.

Event Schema

The log events forwarded to the topic follow a schema that is described below:

versionstringThe version of the event schema. Fixed: 1.0
timestampstringThe UTC time of the event in ISO8601 format. Check the specific cloud service documentation about the precise semantics of this time.
idstringThe UUID of this event generated by the cloud service
tenant_namestringThe name of the tenant owning this event
cloud_service_namestringThe name of the cloud service that produced this event (more details here)
log_typestringOne of: SECURITY, AUDIT, SERVICE
log_entrystring or objectThe complete log entry


    "version": "1.0",
    "timestamp": "2023-02-14T12:40:00.000Z",
    "id": "958e11dd-a12s-425e-8738-7ba3a83958c6",
    "tenant_name": "orion-123",
    "cloud_service_name": "Managed OS RHEL",
    "log_type": "SERVICE",
    "log_entry": "a simple text log message"

Log Stream

┌──────────────┐                                    ┌────────────────┐
│   Service    │           logs-orion-123           │    Customer    │
│              ├──────► [ ---------------- ] ◄──────│                │
│  log events  │           (Kafka topic)            │  Kafka client  │
└──────────────┘                                    └────────────────┘

Service logs are exposed using the schema above and published to the tenant's Kafka topic. The topic name is the name of your tenant prefixed with logs-.

The customer needs to consume the log events, by configuring a Kafka consumer client configuring a Kafka consumer client on an ESC VM. A list of Kafka clients is provided in below.

Service Monitoring

The service produces health events as specified by the Health Exposure Service with a frequency of 1 hour.


The Kafka topic will retain events for at least 24 hours.

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