Track Request Progress

Catalog requests and resource actions start a request on the resource which will right away be visible in the requests tab of the portal.

A positive response to the request (201) means that the request has successfully started to run, but does not mean it has or will successfully finish.

To track the progress of an ongoing request via API, you can request the state of the request with the following call:

Track request progress
curl --location --request GET 'https://{{va-fqdn}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests/{requestId}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \

You can find the requestId in the response body (for catalog requests) or in the response headers location attribute (for day 2 actions).

Response Header Location


Example Response:

  "@type": "ResourceActionRequest",
  "id": "cc7cbbb0-b6c3-455c-85ea-ece319fa27df",
  "iconId": "fornax-005-arcun-deletefileservice",
  "version": 2,
  "requestNumber": 137827,
  "state": "IN_PROGRESS", // <-- Track progress with state
  "requestedFor": "",
  "requestedBy": "",
  "organization": {
    "tenantRef": "tenant1",
    "tenantLabel": "tenant1",
    "subtenantRef": "5884d011-dd67-40c3-8526-9ba48c0d6f66",
    "subtenantLabel": "bg1"
  "requestorEntitlementId": "c3afbb14-6660-4de5-b83e-db7778af11ee",
  "dateCreated": "2022-06-16T07:52:44.691Z",
  "lastUpdated": "2022-06-16T07:52:45.434Z",
  "dateSubmitted": "2022-06-16T07:52:44.691Z",
  "quote": {},
  "requestData": {
    "entries": []
  "retriesRemaining": 3,
  "requestedItemName": "Delete File Service Premium",
  "requestedItemDescription": "Deletes the File Service.",
  "successful": false,
  "final": false,
  "stateName": "In Progress",
  "resourceRef": {
    "id": "5e146841-578f-499a-a695-b3adb5eeb97d",
    "label": "My File Service"
  "resourceActionRef": {
    "id": "aaeb8f0b-3552-426b-9cad-e3175530ca39",
    "label": "Delete File Service Premium"
  "waitingStatus": "WAITING_FOR_PROVIDER",
  "executionStatus": "STARTED",
  "approvalStatus": "PRE_APPROVED",
  "phase": "IN_PROGRESS"
Last Updated: