Setup / Configurations

Can I give a name to an instance ?

No named instance are not allowed. The SQL server will be set up with "default instance".

I am member of the setupadmin role, however I cannot configure a linked server.

The configuration of linked server through SSMS GUI is allowed to sysadmin only, see Microsoft documentationopen in new window. As member of the setupadmin server role you can configure linked server through T-SQL scripts see Microsoft documentation for sp_addlinkedserveropen in new window


Do Swisscom register the sa password for unmanaged MS SQL services for recovery purpose?

No, Swisscom doesn't register your sa password.

Can I have temporary sysadmin rights on managed MS SQL services?

No, sysadmin rights on managed MS SQL services are not allowed. You can however order a MS SQL DBMS Dba Mode which grant permanently sysadmin rights.

Why I can't map logins to an imported DB with the dbo_user?

Mapping has to be done with a T-SQL command, please refer to the user manual.

With my user member of the customerAdmin role I cannot access a database, why?

If the database has been created by another user you are not automatically granted with permission. Ask the database creator to edit the permissions.

I am member of the db_owner database role, however I don't see logins to grant permission on a DB, why?

You cannot add logins as user through the UI, use please the following T-SQL statement and the grant permissions:

USE [myDbName]
CREATE USER [username] FOR LOGIN [loginname]


Can I import a DB with multiple data files and filegroup ?

Yes, multiple data files and filegroup are supported.

Can I alter ownership of a DB ?

No this action is not allowed.

Can I take a database offline/online ?

Taking the database offline will work for a member of the db_owner database role. However you will not be able to take it again online.

Can I detach a database ?

Yes, if you are at least db_owner you can detach a database. It won't be possible to attach it again.

Bulk insert doesn't work, I receive an access denied error, why ?

You can use bulk insert. However if you import files from a server outside of the resource domain you will run into an error (one way trust). Place the files to be imported on a VM in the resource domain.

SQL Agent Jobs

Can I change the schedules of the backup jobs ?

No, this is not allowed.

Can I change the schedules of the maintenance jobs ?

No, this is not allowed.

SQL Always On

Can I set an AG replica to readable ?

Yes, there is a day 2 action.

Can I delete an availability group ?

No, this option is not yet implemented. You can open a service request.

Why I can't choose an individual name for a listener or availability group ?

The listener is also an AD object. As the resource domain is managed through Swisscom a name convention is in place. An availability group is basically a container and it has no influence on the application connection. In order to have a smooth automation Swisscom set the names after a name convention similar to the listener.

My application point to an existing listener in the old environment. It is complicated to change the connection string. How can be the new listener reached after migration?

In your DNS set an alias with the old listener to point to the new listener.

Can I change the backup preference ?

No, this option is not yet implemented.

Can I change the availability mode of a group ?

No, this is set default to synchronous to enable automatic failover.

The AG dashboard shows a warning even if it is empty

This is the default behaviour of the dashboard. If the AG is empty, a warning will be displayed.

If I remove a DB from an AG, will be the DB also removed from all instances?

No, just the DB on the replica will be removed. The DB on the primary instances will remain in place. If you want to remove it you can do it through a day 2 action or directly connecting with SSMS or SSDT.

How can I replicate a SQL logins from primary to the secondary replica ?

Once you create a new login or a set of logins on the primary it is important to create the same logins on the replica, however they should have the same sid in order to be mapped automatically to the replica database in case of failover. To create a login with the same sid you can execute the following code on the secondary replica (replace items in italic with your specific entries):

SELECT sid FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = 'yourLogin'

CREATE LOGIN yourLogin WITH PASSWORD = 'yourstrongPW', SID = yoursid

Note: SID is a varbinary type so don't use single quotes ''.

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