PDB Actions

Catalog Requests

Ref: API documentation - Catalog Requests

Catalog Request 1: "Provision PDB"

On the customer's ESC web portal, on the 'Catalog' tab, filter with 'PDB':

Provision PDB

Select the 'Provision PDB (DynDB)' item and click 'REQUEST':

Provision PDB

Select the 'Business Group' as required:

Business GroupBusiness Group

Fill up the PDB information:

PDB information

Specify a 'Friendly Name' for the PDB:

PDB Friendly Name





Select the Container Database (CDB) to host the PDB, among the list of the Container Databases of the customer:

Container Database

Select the Resource Manager profile to be applied to the PDB:

Resource Manager Profile

Select the Service Level Agreement (SLA) to apply to this PDB:


Indicate whether encryption is required for tablespaces:

Tablespace Encryption

Select the Security Shape (level of database hardening) to be applied to the PDB:

Security Shape

Select the Character Set of the PDB:

Character Set

Select the National Character Set of the PDB:

National Character Set

Then click the 'SUBMIT' button to launch the PDB creation process.

Day 2 Actions

Ref: API documentation - Day 2 Actions - PDB Actions

The Day 2 actions are accessible via the Web interface or via a programmatic API.

Example with the Web User Interface (ESC portal for the customer):

On the customer's ESC web portal, on the 'Deployments' tab, filter with 'DynDB PDB' component:

PDB Deployments

For the chosen PDB, select the 'Actions' drop-down menu:

PDB Day2 Dropdown List

Day 2 Action 1: "Create User"

Required parameters:

  • provider-username : string

With the Web UI, select 'Create User (PDB DynDB)' from the drop-down menu:

Create User

Specify the username for the PDB user:

Create User

Day 2 Action 2: "Show Password"

Required parameters:

  • provider-confirm : boolean

Note: feature accessible only via the programmatic API.

Day 2 Action 3: "Restart PDB"

No parameters required.

With the Web UI, for the selected PDB, select 'Restart PDB' from the drop-down menu:

Restart PDB

Day 2 Action 4: "Start PDB"

No parameters required.

With the Web UI, for the selected PDB, select 'Start PDB' from the drop-down menu:

Start PDB

Day 2 Action 5: "Stop PDB"

No parameters required.

With the Web UI, for the selected PDB, select 'Stop PDB' from the drop-down menu:

Stop PDB

Day 2 Action 6: "Unprovision PDB"

No parameters required.

With the Web UI, for the selected PDB, select 'Unprovision PDB' from the drop-down menu:

Unprovision PDB

Day 2 Action 7: "Update PDB"

Required parameters:

  • p_operation_support : string Values from list:
    • DB Operation Service 7x24
    • DB Operation Service Office Hours
  • p_resource_prioritization : string Values from list:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High

With the Web UI, select 'Update PDB' from the drop-down menu:

Update PDB

Update PDB page:

Update PDB

Select the SLA:

Update PDB

Select the PDB resource manager profile:

Update PDB

Day 2 Action 8: "View Details"

No parameters required.

With the Web UI, select 'View Details' from the drop-down menu:

View Details

PDB Details page:

View Details

Day 2 Action 9: "Restore PDB"

The PDB can be restored to any point-in-time within the retention period. Currently, the retention period is 11 days. The timestamp must not point into the future and must not point back more than 11 days. Otherwise an error message will be returned. If you try to restore from a timestamp without an available backup, the restore will fail.

Note: Be aware, that the restore operation overwrites the existing PDB.

Select Restore PDB from the PDB Actions dropdown list:


Specify the desired point in time for the restore

Select the desired point in time (within the past 11 days) for the PDB restore:


Start the PDB restore workflow by pressing the SUBMIT button.

Show progress of the restore

Once the restore operation is submitted, the progress can be monitored as follows:


Once the workflow has been executed, you can check the result of the restore PDB operation:


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