- API – Application Programming Interface
- ASO - Oracle Advanced Security Option
- CA – Certificate Authority
- CDB - Oracle Container DataBase respectively cdb$root
- CIS - Center for Internet Security CISopen in new window
- CLI – Command Line Interface
- CPU - Critical Patch Update
- CVSS - Common Vulnerability Scoring System CVSSopen in new window
- DBaaS - Database as a Service
- ESC - Swisscom Enterprise Service Cloud
- EE - Oracle Enterprise Edition
- EUS - Oracle Enterprise User Security
- FSFO - Fast Start Fail Over
- GUI - Graphical User Interface
- IAM - Identity and Access Management
- LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- MAA - Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture
- MODS - Managed Oracle Database Service
- NFS - Network File System
- OUD - Oracle Unified Directory
- OVM - Oracle VM
- PDB - Pluggable DataBase
- PSU - Patch Set Update
- RDBMS - Relational DataBase Management System
- RBAC – Role-Based Access Control
- RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol
- RU - Release Update
- SPU - Security Patch Update
- SSH – Secure Shell
- SSL – Secure Sockets Layer
- SSO – Single Sign-On
- TDE - Transparent Data Encryption
- TLS – Transport Layer Security, the successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- vCPU - Virtual Central Processing Unit, a thread of CPU core
- vRA - vRealize Automation VMwareopen in new window
- vRO - vRealize Orchestrator VMwareopen in new window
- ZDLRA - Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance