
Managed Forward Proxy Architecture

Enterprise Service Cloud

The Managed Forward Proxy is based on automation and the cloud-interface (portal and API) of the Enterprise Service Cloud. It is a prerequisite for the change and fulfillment tasks. The service management is part of the Enterprise Service Cloud, (log, meter, monitoring and event management). The Self Service Capabilities can therefore be found in the description of the Enterprise Service Cloud.

Central Application Delivery Platform

The Central Application Delivery Platform (cADC) is a geo-redundant F5 platform that provides a highly available infrastructure to provide cloud network services to customers. It provides a provisioning layer via API, on which cloud platforms, such as Enterprise Service Cloud, can consume services via their orchestration.

Service Connect

Communication from the Enterprise Service Cloud as well as from the Central Application Delivery Platform (cADC) to the outside world always takes place via Hybrid Connectivity (Service Connect). This is the central communication platform to which all Swisscom platforms/stacks are connected.

Finit State Machine

Finit State Machine of Managed Forward Proxy

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