S3 Standard
Does Swisscom Object Storage support the full S3 Standard?
The technology underneath is Dell ECS, which supports the AWS S3 standard. Dell ECS Rest API
What are the limitations in the interaction of MinIO and S3?
When using MinIO, limited throughput is to be expected for tool-related reasons.
Key Management System (KMS)
Can a KMS be connected to S3?
We do not support KMS.
S3 encryption of the contents
What is the best practice setup for content encryption?
- Encryption on the client
- Encryption with server-side-encryption may make it very slow and not every application supports it.
Kubernetes Interaction
Are there any restrictions on accessing S3 instances when interacting with Kubernetes clusters, nodes, and PODs?
We have customers already using the service successfully with Kubernetes. No known limitations.
Used storage
How up to date is the used storage indicator?
It is updated only once an hour.