Basic commands:

# Set Credentials
aws configure
> AWS Access Key ID: <access-key-id-from-s3-user>
> AWS Secret Access Key: <secret-access-key-from-s3-user>
> Default region name: None
> Default output format: None

# Create a new Bucket
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket my-bucket --endpoint-url

See all aws s3api commands in the awscli Guideopen in new window.

This is an information message


Since the aws-cli always expects you to set the --endpoint-url parameter with very request, you can define the following alias so you won't have to set the endpoint-url with every request:

For Linux:

# Set an alias for awss3
alias awss3='aws s3api --endpoint-url'

# Now you can do all requests like so:
awss3 create-bucket --bucket my-bucket

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