
Consumption page shows the resources consumed by provisioned products and services and their indicative costs. It is accessible from the top navigation bar to the users authorized to access the consumption data. You may navigate through different views and display charts to get an overview of resources used by your digital infrastructure over time.

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Access to Consumption is limited. The menu is only visible for a specific role group. Authorized users see all resources from the specific customer tenant. Access cannot be restricted to a business group.

Side Navigation

Tenant at the top of the side menu navigates to the consumption dashboard. Below, you can access the different consumption views (organized according to a specific aspect), as well as Smart Reports.

Consumption Pages

Tenant Dashboard

Tenant acts as a consumption dashboard. It gives an overview of your whole digital infrastructure and its indicative cost. It organizes consumption into specific groups, starting from the top consumers in each group:

  • Business Groups
  • Product Types
  • Invoice
  • Services
  • Resources

Each group and list item (tile header and table row) is clickable. Please use them as a starting point to drill down to detailed information on your resource consumption.

Business Groups

Consumption is shown as a list of Business Groups, i.e. resources consumed by each group.

Product Types

Consumption is shown as a list of Product Types, i.e. all products consumed by your items organized into relevant groups.


Consumption is shown as a list of product groups matching those on the invoice issued to the customer.


Consumption is shown as a list of Services provisioned from the service catalog.


Consumption is shown as a list of individual Resources, primarily virtual machines.

Smart Reports

The Smart Reports page shows a list of monthly generated, smart aggregated consumption data files.

You can download a smart report CSV file under Consumption -> Smart Reports -> Actions.

You can use custom property values (customerSpecDesc01|02|03) in the CSV file to get the aggregated consumption of the resources.

This is an information message


Use Update Custom Property day2 action to change the user-defined custom property value for a Virtual Machine (Important: Don't use Reconfigure as it will not update the billing report in all cases)

Consumption Filters

You may filter all consumption views, except for the Smart Reports, by the following properties:

Time RangePick a start and end date to display consumption from that time range.
Business GroupSelect a business group to view resources consumed by that group.
ServiceSelect a catalog service to see resources consumed by instances of that service.
Product TypeCheck one or more product types to view resources consumed by those types.

Consumption Actions

Different Actions can be executed depending on the selected item.

Show ChartOpens a Chart to show the consumption within the selected time frame.
Go to...Navigates to the details of the corresponding consumption category.
Download CSVDownloads the smart report file in CSV format

Consumption Charts

You can open a bar chart for any infrastructure element to analyse its daily consumption within the selected time range.

Select Show Chart action from the element's Actions dropdown to open the chart dialog.

If the information on the service class is available, it will be grouped by service class and represented as a stacked bar. You can hover over any stacked bar to display a tooltip showing detailed information about the consumption at that time.

The chart legend shows a different color key for each service class.

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