My Items

My Items page lists all provisioned products and services you are authorised to see. It is accessible from the top menu bar. You may view and manage your items by performing their specific actions here.

Side Navigation

The side navigation contains the Find Item filter. In the dialogue, typing an expression returns a list of items with a matching name or description. You may quickly navigate to the detail page of any item on the list.

Below, you will see the service categories your items belong to.

  • By default, all Services are displayed.
  • Choosing a different category reduces the list to a given type of service.
  • Virtual Machines is a flat list of all provisioned VMs.

My Items List

The table lists your items and basic information about them:

  • The name
  • The description
  • The business group the item belongs to
  • The date the item has been provisioned
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable. It navigates to the respective details page.

Item Actions

The actions are specific to the service type and differ across them. We discuss them in detail in the documentation of the respective services.

Table Filters

Owned by MeSelected by default to show only the items you created. Unselect the checkbox to see all items you are authorised to see.
Business GroupSelect a business group to see only the items deployed into that group.
Created BeforePick a date to display items created before that day.
Created AfterPick a date to display items created after that day.
OText FilterType a string to view items with a matching property.

Details Page

The item’s detail page shows all information about the service or the virtual machine and provides item actions. The details are grouped into thematic sections (tabs).


Children tab is present for the services that are parents of an underlying structure. By default, the children elements are listed in a table. With a view toggle, you may switch to a graphical topology representation of the structure. In both views the elements are shown with basic information about them:

  • The name
  • The description
  • The current status of the item
  • The business group the item belongs to
  • The date of creation
  • The Available actions

Each item (table row or topology tile) is clickable. It navigates to the respective details page.


General tab contains the name, the description and the basic properties of the item. You may configure the properties that are displayed as form fields. Read-only information is displayed as plain text.


Properties tab lists the detailed settings of the item.


Snapshots tab lists the machine's available snapshots. You may create a new one – and revert the machine to an existing snapshot.


Storage tab shows the machine's allocated storage quota and existing disks. You can add, edit or delete disks here.


Networking tab is a list of networks created for the item.


Consumption tab shows all resources (e.g. CPU) consumed by a machine over time.


Requests tab shows the history of all actions performed on the item and its children, starting from its provisioning.


Various services have their specific sections (tabs) or structure. We discuss those details in the respective service chapters.

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