
Reports page is a collection of reports related to the Swisscom-managed virtual infrastructure. If you are authorised to view reports, you can access them from the top menu bar.

This is an information message


Access to the Reports tab is limited. The menu is only visible for the Compliance Manager role. Authorized users see all resources from the specific customer tenant. Access cannot be restricted to a business group.

Side Navigation

The side navigation lists all types of reports and allows switching between them:

  • Client Identifying Data
  • Machine Status
  • Patching
  • Oracle Licensing

Client Identifying Data

The CID status shows whether additional monitoring measures are enabled for managed cloud services.

Managed OS Machine Status

This report lists all Managed OS VMs and shows the managed mode "status".


This report shows the Managed OS and DBMS Patching Status.

Oracle Licensing

This report lists provisioned Oracle licenses and their configuration.

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