
Security section is a collection of pages related to Network Security (NSX). If you are authorized to view these pages, you can access them from the top navigation bar.

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Get the NSX Proxy API wrapping the NSX APIopen in new window (Internal Link)

Side Navigation

The side navigation contains the list of all Security pages:

  • Firewall Rules
  • Security Sections
  • Services
  • IP Sets
  • Security Groups
  • Security Tags
  • Flow Logs

Firewall Rules

In Firewall Rules section, you can create, edit and delete firewall rules.

Firewall Rules List

The page shows one or more selected firewall sections with a separate table per section. Each table shows all the firewall rules belonging to a given firewall section and information about them:

  • The index number
  • The name with Enabled or Disabled tag
  • The rule ID
  • The list of source elements
  • The list of destination elements
  • The list of services
  • The Allow, Block or Reject action
  • The list of elements the firewall rule is applied to
  • The available actions

For some fields, there is a limitation on how many entries are displayed per row. To display all items in a filterable dialog, click on + X more.

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog with all firewall rule properties in read-only- or edit mode, depending on your authorization in the given firewall section.

Create Firewall Rule

To create a firewall rule:

  1. To open the creation dialog, click on Create Firewall Rule at the top of the firewall section you want your rule to belong to.
  2. Fill out the required form fields and configure your firewall rule in the dialog tabs.
  3. Click Confirm to add the firewall rule to the section.
  4. After committing all the changes to the rules in your firewall section, click on Submit on the blue bar to deploy the whole section.

Item Actions

DetailsOpens a dialog with all firewall rule information in read-only mode (relates only to firewall rules that you are not authorized to edit).
EditOpens a dialog with all firewall rule properties as editable form fields.
DeleteOpens a prompt dialog where you can confirm the deletion of a firewall rule.

Table Filters

Firewall SectionBy default the last-used section is selected. Check any combination of firewall sections to view them on the page.
Rule IDInsert a rule ID to display only the matching firewall rule.
ServiceSelect a service to display the rules including this service.
ActionSelect Allow or Reject to display the rules matching this action.
Applied toSelect an element to display only the rules applied to this element.
Show only invalid firewall rulesVisible only if some firewall rules are invalid. Check the option to display only invalid rules.
Filter by TextType a string to view items with a matching property.

Firewall Sections

In Firewall Sections you can create, edit and delete firewall sections.

Firewall Sections List

The list shows all available firewall sections in their defined order. Only the Tenant Provider Section is immutable and always on top of the list. The sections are listed with:

  • The name
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog where you can configure your firewall section.

Create Firewall Section

To create a firewall section:

  1. To open the creation dialog, click on Create Firewall Section at the top of the list.
  2. Fill out the required form fields and configure your section.
  3. Click Create to deploy the section.

Firewall Section Actions

EditOpens a dialog with the editable properties of a firewall section.
DeleteOpens a prompt dialog where you can confirm the deletion of a firewall section.

Table Filters

Filter by TextType a string to view items with a matching property.


In Services section you can create, edit and delete services.

Services List

The list shows all the available services with basic information about them:

  • The name
  • The protocol
  • The source ports
  • The destination ports
  • The scope
  • The inheritance
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog where you can configure the service.

Create Service

To create a service:

  1. To open the creation dialog, click on Create Service at the top of the list.
  2. Fill out the required form fields to configure your service.
  3. Click Create to deploy the service.

Service Actions

EditOpens a dialog with the editable properties of a service.
DeleteOpens a prompt dialog where you can confirm the deletion of a service.

Table Filters

ProtocolSelect UDP, TCP or ICMP to view the services with this protocol set.
Source PortsInsert ports to see services with the matching source ports property.
Destination PortsInsert ports to see services with the matching destination ports property.
ScopeSelect Global or other scope to display services with the matching scope.
InheritanceSelect an option to display services with the matching inheritance.
Filter by TextType a string to view items with a matching property.

IP Sets

In IP Sets section you can create, edit and delete IP sets.

IP Sets List

The list shows all the available IP sets with basic information about them:

  • The Name
  • The IP Addresses
  • The Scope
  • The Inheritance
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog where you can configure the IP Set.

Create IP Set

To create an IP set:

  1. To open the creation dialog, click on Create IP Set at the top of the list.
  2. Fill out the required form fields to configure your IP Set.
  3. Click Create to deploy the IP set.

IP Set Actions

EditOpens a dialog with the editable properties of an IP set.
DeleteOpens a prompt dialog where you can confirm the deletion of an IP set.

Table Filters

IP AddressesInsert one or more IP addresses to display the matching IP sets.
ScopeSelect Global or an other scope to display IP addresses with the matching scope.
InheritanceSelect an option to display IP adresses with the matching inheritance.
Filter by TextType a string to view items with a matching property.

Security Groups

In Security Groups you can create, edit and delete security groups.

Security Groups List

The list shows all the available security groups with basic information about them:

  • The name
  • The scope
  • The included members (if Display Members option at the top of the list is checked)
  • The excluded members (if Display Members option at the top of the list is checked)
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog where you can configure the security group.

Create Security Group

To create a security group:

  1. To open the creation dialog, click on Create Security Group at the top of the list.
  2. Fill out the required form fields in the dialog tabs to configure your security group.
  3. Click Create to deploy the security group.

Security Group Actions

EditOpens a dialog with the editable properties of a security group.
DeleteOpens a prompt dialog where you can confirm the deletion of a security group.

Table Filters

ScopeSelect Global or an other scope to display security groups with the matching scope.
Included MembersCheck any combination of items to display security groups with the matching included members.
Excluded MembersCheck any combination of items to display security groups with the matching excluded members.
Filter by TextType a string to view items with a matching property.

Security Tags

In Security Tags section you can create, edit and delete security tags.

Security Tags List

The list shows all the available security tags with basic information about them:

  • The name with an information dialog containing a list of the attached VMs
  • The description
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog where you can configure the security group.

Create Security Tag

To create a security tag:

  1. To open the creation dialog, click on Create Security Tag at the top of the list.
  2. Fill out the required form fields in the dialog tabs to configure your security tag.
  3. Click Create to deploy the security tag.

Security Tag Actions

EditOpens a dialog with the editable properties of a security tag.
DeleteOpens a prompt dialog where you can confirm the deletion of a security tag.

Table Filters

Filter by TextType a string to view items with a matching property.

Flow Logs

In Flow Logs section you can access flow logs for a single virtual machine.

Note: It is not recommended to select a date range exceeding 10 days as it may cause a timeout error.

Flow Logs List

To view flow logs of a chosen VM, select a VM name in the Virtual Machine dropdown at the top of the table.

The list shows the flow logs of the chosen virtual machine and the information:

  • The state
  • The direction
  • The protocol
  • The source
  • The destination IP
  • The destination port
  • The start date and time
  • The end date and time
  • The rule ID
  • The available actions

Each item (table row) is clickable and opens a dialog with all information related to this entry.

Reload Data

Click Reload Data to update the flow logs table for the selected VMs with the newest flow logs.

Flow Log Actions

DetailsOpens a dialog with all flow log information.

Table Filters

Flow TypeSelect a flow type to see flow logs matching that selection.
StateSelect a state to see flow logs matching that selection.
DirectionSelect From or To to see flow logs matching that selection.
ProtocolSelect a protocol to display flow logs matching that selection.
Source IDInsert a source ID to display flow logs matching your input.
Destination IDInsert a destination ID to display flow logs matching your input.
Destination Port or Port RangeInsert any combination of ports to display flow logs matching this input.
Rule IDInsert a rule ID to display only the matching flow logs.
Start DatePick a date and time to display flow logs generated after that time.
End DatePick a date and time to display flow logs generated before that time.
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