Performance & Scaleability

Q: Can I use swingbench on MODS Regular?

A: Yes.

In order to avoid "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges" when running swingbench, you need to execute swingbench with the -async_off option. This prevents the execution of the COMMIT_WAIT command, which is blocked by the lockdown profiles.


oewizard -dbap <mein_pdbadmin_passwort> -u soe3 -p soe3 -cl -cs // -ts soedata3 -create -dba pdbadmin -async_off

Reference: ALTER SESSION STATEMENT IS THROWING ERROR ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges (Doc ID 2513379.1)

Q: How scalable is a CDB?

A: A CDB can be scaled to a maximum of 88 vCPU (and correspondingly 704 GB memory). It is not possible to scale beyond the physical limits of the compute nodes. There is no storage limitation - although: the technical limitation is given by the capacity of the ZDLRA.

Q: Is it possible to run an AWR report on a PDB?

A: Yes.

For this purpose the support team will create a common user with the required privileges. Common user access is not enabled by default. Therefore pls. open a service request.

Pls. provide the following information in the service request:

  • Request "CDB Common read-only user for Data Dictionary / AWR"

You can find the OSB_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID for your container database here.

The support team will then provide the connection details, including the initial password.

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