Limitations and Considerations

Beside the Oracle RDBMS related limitiations, there are a few MODS platform specific limitations to be considered.

Compute and Memory

Because we allocate 8 GB RAM per vCPU, the vCPU allocation is limited by the physical memory capacity of the compute node (768 GB physical RAM - 64GB host RAM = 704 GB; 704:8 = 88 vCPU). OVM doesn't allow memory overprovisioning.

Storage Volume

Maximum size of space to be allocated is limited by the physical available capacity of the dedicated platform storage system (ZFSA). If your demand on storage resources cannot be fulfilled, pls. get in contact with our support.

Large Data Operations

The standard settings for MODS RE database were configured with small to mid size databases in mind. Current settings can limit RMAN restore, Data Pump import, and cloning for datasets bigger then following limits (default settings for MODS RE databases):

  • Initial settings for CDB:
    • db_recovery_file_dest_size 100G
  • ZFS Filesystems quotas:
    • Datafiles /u02 1.0T
    • Tempfiles /u03 200G
    • Redo logs /u04 50G
    • Redo logs /u05 50G
    • fast_recovery_area /u06 200G

File systems are increased automatically (based on thresholds) if they are under space pressure. However, for heavy data load, import, and cloning operations, the limits above can be reached before automation increases the file system.

Executing big copying, cloning, and DWH operations need therefore specific adjustments in order to fulfill the higher demand on resources. Since these modifications need CDB access or OS privileges, you need to open a service request. Please contact the support team to adjust / increase the settings ahead of your large data operation.

Performance KPIs

Performance KPIs for specific Oracle workload scenarios have been evaluated by an external performance benchmark assessment. The KPIs mentioned below are for informational purpose only. Due to the dependencies of the Oracle workload configuration, and the Oracle RDBMS release, the KPIs for a specific customer deployment may deviate from the benchmark results documented below.

MODS Regular Key Performance Metrics (1)MODS Regular Key Performance Metrics (2)

[MBps] Mega Byte per second
[dbps] database blocks per second
[tps] transactions per second

Note: The original assessment results can be shared upon request.

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